Warp and woof
Warp and woof

warp and woof

This requires the yarn used for warp ends, or individual warp threads, to be made of spun and plied fibre. The warp must be strong to be held under high tension during the weaving process, unlike the weft which carries almost no tension. Very simple looms use a spiral warp, in which the warp is made up of a single, very long yarn wound in a spiral pattern around a pair of sticks or beams. The term is also used for a set of yarns established before the interworking of weft yarns by some other method, such as finger manipulation, yielding wrapped or twined structures. It is regarded as the longitudinal set in a finished fabric with two or more sets of elements. : As to "warp and woof": the MWOD has: "FOUNDATION, BASE: the vigorous Anglo-Saxon base had become the warp and woof of English speech." On hand looms which I have seen, the vertical threads are the warp, and the woof, or weft, created by the shuttle passing through the warp, is the horizontal.The warp is the set of yarns or other things stretched in place on a loom before the weft is introduced during the weaving process. Every ethical argument, for instance, eventually becomes circular-unless, of course, I'm the one arguing. So I looked up the phrase in the OED: "to take for granted the matter in dispute, to assume without proof." Seems so simple why is it so often misunderstood? And they give, among other quotations, this: "Begging the question is when the thing to be proved is assume in the premises." Although begged questions seem always to be part of a circular argument, I'm not sure if it works the other way around. (I answered from the top of my head, always risky.) Fowler goes a little further than I would about "friendly" questions, although he may just use "friendly" here just to mean tendentious. : Thanks, Henry, for making clearer what I can never phrase in a manner that doesn't seem incomprehensible even to myself. : : Fowler describes a leading question as a friendly one, so phrased as to guide or lead the person questioned to the answer that it is desirable for him to make, but that he might not think of making or be able to make without help. : : Today, it is a phrase which is used by writers intending other meanings and is also interpreted in a number of ways by readers.

warp and woof

: : Democracy must be the best form of government because the majority are always right. : : Capital punishment is necessary because without it murders would increase. He says that begging the question is the fallacy of founding a conclusion on a basis that as much needs to be proved as the conclusion itself. : : I couldn't comment further without reference to Fowler. Now look these things up and see whether I'm right or wrong or just unintelligible. Figuratively, if you have something that permeates the warp and woof of some medium, it means that the whole fabric shows it or is involved, since woven fabric has only the threads of the warp and the woof. Warp and woof: on a loom the warp goes one way, the woof the other. The whole raison d'etre of this organization is to promote space exploration. Raison d'etre, again, straight from the French, reason for being, reason for existence.

warp and woof

One can use the phrase figuratively, as in the halcyon days of my youth (if that's what they were).

warp and woof

Halcyon days are serene, sunny days, really good days. Halcyon days are from Greek mythology halcyon refers to the kingfisher. Or plaid skirts were de rigueur, on the sisters' say-so. It can be applied, for instance, to clothing, as in, sloppy jeans were de rigueur in those days. De rigueur: straight from the French, means necessary, mandatory, either in fact or in effect. It does NOT mean "raise the question." It is rarely used correctly, and if you DO use it correctly no one will understand you. To beg the question is so to phrase the question as to include or indicate the correct or desired answer. : : : : I'm going to give the other phrase-finders a wonderful opportunity to correct me, and you an opportunity to look these up. : : : : : does anyone know the definitions for these idioms beg the question, de rigeur, halcyon days, raison d'etre, warp and woof? I would really appreciate any help anyone has thanks so much. In Reply to: Begging the question posted by Smokey Stover on June 14, 2004

Warp and woof